Wrapped up 2022 with a publication on ‘Advancing digital patient-centered in team-based care.’. In this paper our team proposes five methods that could be used to help conceptualize how to integrate patient-centered measurements into team-based care. These include: 1) Patient-centered measurement Team Mapping; 2) Longitudinal Care Alignment; 3) Digital Tool Exploration; 4) Team-based Quality Improvement; and 5) Shared Learning. Below is one of the figures from our paper that illustrates the method on Shared Learning.
Antonio, M. G., Davis, S., Smith, M., Burgener, P., Price, M., Lavallee, D. C., Fletcher, S. & Lau, F. (2022). Advancing digital patient-centered measurement methods for team-based care. SAGE Digital Health, 8, 20552076221145420.