Equitable Research PRAXIS: A Framework for Health Informatics Methods

I have a new publication in the International Journal of Medical Informatics’ annual issue, and their special topic on “Inclusive Digital Health: Addressing Equity, Literacy, and Bias for Resilient Health Systems” In this paper we propose PRAXIS (Participation and Representation, Appropriate methods and interventions, conteXtualization and structural competence, Investigation of Systematic differences) as a framework… Continue reading Equitable Research PRAXIS: A Framework for Health Informatics Methods


Lung Fit Podcast

I had the chance to speak with Dr. Pat Camp about my dissertation work on the Lung Fit podcast Lung Fit is a podcast focused on pulmonary rehab. Through my dissertation research I was quite surprised to learn of the disparity in pulmonary rehab services across the province of BC. Many people living with COPD… Continue reading Lung Fit Podcast


Convocation Day

What joy to have been able to cross the stage this week and make my doctoral degree official. When I was given the card to designate the order I would cross the stage, I had red ink in the top corner to note of ‘First Phd’ to note that I would be the first to… Continue reading Convocation Day


Implementing Patient-generated into EHRs

I have a new paper published on implementing patient-generated data into electronic health records has been published in JMIR Formative Research: Davis, S., Antonio, M., Smith, M., Burgener, P., Lavallee, D., Price, M., Fletcher, S.C., Lau, F. (2021). Paving the way for electronic patient-centred measurement in team-based primary care: an integrated knowledge translation approach. JMIR… Continue reading Implementing Patient-generated into EHRs


Mixed Method Presentation

I had the chance to present my doctoral dissertation at the University of Michigan’s Qualitative & Mixed Methods Learning Lab, Workshops in Progress Seminar Series. Thanks to everyone for the great discussion and helping to move my work forward towards publication on the role of digital technologies for the COPD community.


Publication on modernizing gender, sex and sexual orientation in digital health systems

A great start to the new year! Our team’s project to modernize Gender, Sex and Sexual Orientation Practices in Digital Health Systems has been published in JAMIA’s special focus on Informatics for Sex- and Gender-Related Health. The paper summarizes our team’s one-year planning project that included consultation sessions and literature reviews.


Mixed Methods Workshop

Just finished being part of my first Mixed Methods Research Workshop at the University of Michigan.  I am so appreciative that I was able to attend the consultation sessions, and learn about all the amazing mixed methods projects that are being conceptualized. Would highly recommend this 3-day workshop to anyone conducting their first mixed methods… Continue reading Mixed Methods Workshop


CIHR grant on equitable patient-centred health measurement

So pleased to announce that our team’s CIHR application for Equitable People Centred Health Measurement (mixture-CAT) has been funded.  The study will develop and test the mixture computerized adaptive test, also called a mixture-CAT, for measuring the impact of pain and emotional well-being on the daily lives of adults who are living at home with… Continue reading CIHR grant on equitable patient-centred health measurement


Research at the University of Michigan– Go Blue!

Excited to this next chapter in starting my contract as a postdoctoral position at the University of Michigan at the School of Information. Working with Dr. Tiffany Veinot, I’m looking forward to bringing a health equity focus across the digital health ecosystem.
